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Saturday 1 March 2014

Superdrug Restoring Skincare Oil Review

Hey People!

Today's review is for the Superdrug Restoring Skincare Oil which is a great moisturising, scar-reducing oil, particularly good for dry skin.

I use this oil as a night facial moisturiser, sometimes mixing it with rose hip oil as I have quite a bit of acne scarring on my forehead and was looking for a scar-reducing product. I also looked at Bio-Oil which is more expensive but both these products seem to be pretty similar so I went for the cheaper option.

The packaging is a very simple transparent plastic bottle so won't break if dropped.The oil itself is bright orange just like Bio-Oil and has a dropper dispenser in the lid of the bottle so the oil is contained well and is less likely to leak. To apply, I simply dispense 10 drops into my clean hand, rub my palms together and massage the oil into freshly cleansed skin.

The oil is lovely and light, absorbing quickly into the skin leaving it nicely moisturised but not greasy. Although aimed at mature skins, this product is great for skins of any age and specifically normal to dry skin and those with light scarring. Also, it is a nice product to have during the winter months when skin can become particularly dehydrated.

It has a very runny consistency as you would expect from any facial oil meaning you need to keep your palm level when dropping it out (so it doesn't run off your hand) but means that it smooths onto the skin beautifully, making application quite enjoyable. It has quite a strong floral scent which I personally like but it does linger for a while once absorbed so those who are not keen on strong scents may not like this product.

I have found that the scarring on my forehead has certainly faded since I have started to use this product, so it lives up to its scar-reducing claims. However, my acne scarring is pretty minor and those with deeper scarring or discolouration may find that this product cannot work complete miracles on more major skin damage. 

I am now on my second bottle of the 75ml version and you can also buy 200ml of the product with either the same dropper dispenser or with a spray dispenser, however I find that the smaller bottle is better for travelling. Even so, which ever size you get, this oil lasts a long time as I have been using it every night for several months now and still have more than half a bottle left so for £5.69 you get great value for money. (links to where you can by this product are at the bottom of the post).


  • Good for minor scarring
  • Moisturising
  • Absorbs quickly
  • Non-greasy
  • Non-messy packaging
  • Good for dry skin
  • Lasts a long time
  • Inexpensive
  • Comes in two sizes and types of dispenser
  • Strong scent
  • Not effective on major scarring
  • Runny consistency - slightly messy application

Overall I would recommend this product.

 Hope this was helpful and thank you for reading.

Links to where you can buy this product:
Superdrug - 75ml - £5.69
Superdrug - 200ml - £13.99
Superdrug - 200ml Spray - £13.99

Wednesday 19 February 2014

Garnier Simply Essentials Soothing 2-in-1 Make-up Remover Review

Hello People!

This is my first ever blogpost and as you can see, I will be writing reviews on make-up and skincare, giving my honest opinion to help you find effective, inexpensive products.

So on to the review...

I have been using the Garnier 2-in-1 make-up remover for some time now and have tried quite a few of the other different brands of make-up remover from the high street but this is my favourite by far. (Links to where you can buy this product are at the bottom of this post).

This make-up remover has two layers: a clear cleansing water on the bottom and a blue cleansing oil on the top. To use you simply shake the two layers together, soak a cotton pad with the solution and gently swipe away any make-up.

The great thing about this, is it is effective for removing both eye and face make-up so you do not need a separate product for your eyes, meaning less money spent on multiple products, and just one that does the job of removing all make-up.

The product itself has the consistency of water once shaken together and has a very fresh clean scent but nothing particularly overpowering, so this product will certainly be good for sensitive skin and eyes, just as Garnier claim.

I love this make-up remover as it doesn't leave your skin with that tight, dried out feeling afterwards but just leaves your skin soft and supple, ready for cleansing. Therefore, this product is definitely good for people with normal to dry skin like myself. However, those with oilier complexions may not get on with this, although it doesn't leave an oily residue so it could still work well for you if you fall into the oily skin category.

It also lasts a long time so it is quite a bargain as you get 200ml of product at the great price of only £3.00 (approximately), so it is certainly purse friendly as well as effective. 

One problem I have found with this product is the packaging, as I have had issues with leaking, but not on every bottle, so its probably just faulty packaging. Also, although you do get plenty of product, the size isn't travel friendly, so taking it on holiday takes up quite a bit of space in your wash bag and transferring the contents into a smaller container is difficult, but these are the only bad things I can think of.


  • Non-drying
  • Effective for removing face and eye make-up
  • Gentle on the skin
  • Light clean scent
  • Doesn't leave oily residue
  • Large amount of product lasts a long time
  • Inexpensive - £3.00 (approximately)
  • Packaging can be a little leaky but not on every bottle
  • Large bottle - not travel friendly
Overall, I would definitely recommend this product.

Hope this was helpful and thank you for reading.

Links to where you can buy this product (UK):
Boots - £3.25
Superdrug - £2.99
Wilkinsons - £2.98